SCENE ONE: The printed programme for the GSO November concert is being prepared.
PROGRAMME PRINTER (Me): How does our soloist spell her name?
MY GOOD LADY: With an ‘A’.
(PP writes ‘Katherine Lay’.)
(Phone call from COMMITTEE MEMBER:)
CM: It’s not an ‘A’; it’s an ‘E’.
(PP writes ‘Katherine Ley’)
SCENE THREE: Later again
(Second phone call from COMMITTEE MEMBER:)
CM: “It’s not an ‘E’; it’s an ‘A’.
PP: But you said...
CM: Shut up. The other E.
(PP writes ‘Katharine Ley’)
SCENE FOUR: Later yet
(Phone call from LOCAL MUSICAL PEDANT:)
LMP: Dvorak has an accent.
PP: He would have. He’s Czech.
LMP: Don’t be facetious. His name is written with an accent.
PP: Not in my font it’s not.
LMP: Deal with it.
So, in the programme, it’s the GSO,
with soloist Katharine Lay,
playing Dvorak’s Cello Concerto in B minor, (complete with accents)
at Grimsby Minster on Saturday, November 30th. at 3:30 p.m.
SCENE FIVE: Even later
(A second phone call from LMP:)
LMP: ‘‘Cello’ is an abbreviation of ‘violoncello’, so it needs an apostrophe at the beginning.
PP: ******* off.