The committee welcomes anyone to join! Below you’ll find all our members so far along with what they get up to!
If you fancy joining us, please do get in touch!
Joan is our Chair. She also plays the cello and occasionally conducts us too!
Susan is our Musical Director. She conducts our orchestra and chooses the program for our concerts.
Clare is a violinist and our Leader. This makes her an honourable member of the committee.
Andrew creates the concert programmes, organises the library of music and any extra players we need for our concerts! He also plays the Double Bass.
Jill is our Committee Secretary. We would be lost without her!
She also plays 2nd Violin.
Felicity is our Publicity & Tickets Officer, Web Master and plays the flute and piccolo
Karen is the assistant Chair and plays the clarinet.
Stephen is our latest recruit! He knows all thing technical & plays the bassoon!
Terry is our 50 Club Assistant. He plays the Cello and likes to remind you to pay up!
Deidre is our Refreshments Hero and our previous Chair. She plays the viola.
Sandra is a member of the committee and plays the clarinet.
Martyn plays the cello and is a member of the committee.
Webmaster -Felicity Cook